Bold Minimalism
The “less is more” conception of discarding the unnecessary components within a graphic design proposal as well as leaving only the essence – is the perfect description for this elegant graphic 2024 trend. Minimalist designs are characterized by clean lines, ample white space and a structured aesthetic, focusing on efficient communication.
Inspired by retro video games, the use of pixels – seen as small square design blocks – is something that we will see more and more within graphic proposals such as web designs, animation, illustration and the creation of brands in 2024, thanks to its modern, nostalgic, innovative and futuristic features.
Visual Feast
Whether it is seen across web designs, brands, branding or printed materials, this 2024 graphic design trend consists of using bright and energetic color palettes – such as yellows, blues, oranges and fluorescent greens – accomplishing a greater visual impact on their clients.
Hand-drawn illustrations
Through sentiments of joy, creativity, authenticity and spontaneity, the trend of hand-drawn illustrations – whether subtle or strong – gives a touch of personality to brands.